
Orangutan females prefer dominant, cheek-padded males

Unlike most mammals, mature male orangutans exhibit different facial characteristics: some develop large "cheek pads" on their faces; other males do not. A team of researchers studied the difference in reproductive success ...

Waste coffee used as fuel storage

Scientists have developed a simple process to treat waste coffee grounds to allow them to store methane. The simple soak and heating process develops a carbon capture material with the additional environmental benefits of ...

DNA division can slow to a halt

A key mystery of the DNA replication process has been unraveled by researchers from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

Scientists create nanoproduct to fight the common tick

The common tick is a parasite whose bite damages the flesh and skin of cattle and affects the quality of their milk. Additionally, it can transmit infections to humans. However, this vector is difficult to monitor, because ...

Identifying illegal websites in photos

European computer scientists have developed a way to "read" web addresses in images that could improve filters for blocking pornographic, gambling and other sites. They provide details in the new issue of the International ...

Better learning through neural distinguishing

A study published in the latest issue of Nature Neuroscience describes work led by the University of Geneva's (UNIGE) Faculties of Medicine and Sciences, on the indisputable role of the olfactory bulb in mammal brains' ability ...

Wireless charging and discharging for electric vehicles

In the future, a wireless charging system will allow electric cars not only to charge their batteries, but also to feed energy back into the power grid, helping to stabilize it. The cost-effective charging system achieves ...

What has science ever done for us?

The deadbeat boyfriend at the centre of Janet Jackson's 1986 hit What Have You Done For Me Lately used to take Janet out to dinner almost every night. He used to do a lot of nice stuff for her. But – as the title asks – ...

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