
Rooting regulators are evolutionarily conserved

Many plants can easily be regenerated and multiplied using cuttings. Crucial is that the cutting can initiate the formation of roots, a process called adventitious rooting. Sanaria Abbas Jaafer Alallaq showed in her Ph.D. ...

Western Australia's natural 'museums of biodiversity' at risk

Up to three quarters of the biodiversity living on Western Australia's iconic ironstone mountains in the State's Mid West (known as Banded Iron Formations) could be difficult or impossible to return quickly to its previous ...

ASKAP takes a first glimpse at the galactic plane

With the findings detailed in two Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society papers, a group of astronomers, led by the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) and Macquarie University, reported the first ...

Better popping potential for popcorn

Popcorn. What would movies and sporting events without this salty, buttery snack? America's love for this snack goes beyond these events. We consume 15 billion quarts of popped popcorn each year.

Image: Jupiter antenna that came in from the cold

An instrument destined for Jupiter orbit is checked after completing eight days of cryogenic radio-frequency testing at ESA's ESTEC technical center in the Netherlands.

Bridging the knowledge gap on the evolution of Asian monsoons

As an important part of global atmospheric circulation, the Asian monsoon greatly affects the ecological system and social economy in Asia. However, the evolution and related driving forces of the Asian monsoon before the ...

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