
New approach gets better view of carbon deeper underground

How does carbon behave when it is more than one meter (a bit more than 3 feet) below the land surface? For scientists, this has been a frustrating question. Why? The carbon levels this far down are typically 10 to 200 times ...

Unusual sugar from cyanobacteria acts as natural herbicide

Researchers at the University of Tübingen have discovered a natural substance that could compete with the controversial herbicide glyphosate: a newly discovered sugar molecule synthesized from cyanobacteria that inhibits ...

Development may reduce heatwave impact

A new study published in Nature Communications suggests that global warming of 1.5 or 2°C will lead to more intense and frequent extreme heatwave events. Increased socio-economic development can, however, help reduce their ...

Plastic in the oceans is not the fault of the global south

Our oceans are littered with plastics. Indeed, we are regularly exposed to images and stories of whales and sea turtles choking to death on plastic trash. Ocean plastic is clearly a problem but what is the solution?

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