
Intuition and failure are valuable ingredients in chemistry

When researchers make a new discovery, they tend to only publish the results of their successful experiments. But just as informative are all the experiments that didn't work – the failed trials and incorrect hypotheses, ...

Could artificial intelligence make life harder for hackers?

As the volume of digital information in corporate networks continues to grow, so grows the number of cyberattacks, and their cost. One cybersecurity vendor, Juniper Networks, estimates that the cost of data breaches worldwide ...

Cleaning up abandoned mines means we all pay the price

The fate of abandoned mines are a familiar problem for those living in communal spaces, with common rooms and shared kitchens: "Who is going to clean up this mess?" and "Who is going to pay for the damages?"

Facial recognition for coins

Countless historical coins that differ from each other only in details are in storage at German state museums. Unlike paintings, these archaeological artifacts may not be labeled, marked or barcoded. Researchers at the Fraunhofer ...

Software that can automatically detect fake news

Invented stories, distorted facts: fake news is spreading like wildfire on the internet and is often shared on without thought, particularly on social media. In response, Fraunhofer researchers have developed a system that ...

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