
How a larger windscreen could improve lorry safety

The size of a lorry's windscreen can have a dramatic impact on the safety of other road users, according to a series of experiments conducted by psychologists at the University of Leeds.

Background suppression for super-resolution light microscopy

Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a new fluorescence microscopy method: STEDD (Stimulation Emission Double Depletion) nanoscopy produces images of highest resolution with suppressed background. ...

Scientists grade climate risk for investors

A new report by CICERO Climate Finance identifies the biggest risks of climate change for investors. The report finds that some impacts are already happening earlier than anticipated and new ones are expected in the time ...

New technology to watch the sea in 3-D

Looking at waves in the open sea with 'electronic eyes', so as to reconstruct it in 3-D, scientists at Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council (Ismar-Cnr) found ...

'Dieselgate' drags on for VW and Bosch with new payouts

German carmaker Volkswagen and auto parts supplier Bosch on Wednesday announced payouts to US buyers of vehicles affected by the "dieselgate" scandal, in a bid to put the American chapter of the tale behind them.

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