
Plant diversity increases insect diversity

The more plant species that grow in grasslands and forests, the more insect species that find a habitat there. However, the presence of more plant species not only increases the number of insect species, but also the number ...

New quick-fix wrap can repair and reinforce existing structures

By protecting concrete pillars with a ready-to-stick wrap developed by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and JTC, existing structures can be easily repaired and reinforced to extend their lifespan. ...

Michael Tomasello: What makes humans human?

In his new book, Becoming Human, (Harvard University Press, 2019) Michael Tomasello brings together more than two decades of his research on what makes humans unique. The book builds on Tomasello's work studying young children's ...

Single cell transcriptomics: A new sequencing approach

Researchers from University of Southern Denmark, Wellcome Sanger Institute and BGI have published a study in the journal Genome Biology comparing the library preparation and sequencing platforms for single-cell RNA-sequencing ...

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