
Quantum 'hack' to unleash computing power

Physicists at the University of Sydney have found a 'quantum hack' that should allow for enormous efficiency gains in quantum computing technologies.

Computer models reveal best way to kill deadly bacteria

Bacteria, transformed into dormant spores, can survive millions of years in extreme environments, threatening human life in the form of food poisoning and the biological weapon anthrax. But understanding how bacteria adapt ...

How Facebook could really fix itself

Facebook has a world of problems. Beyond charges of Russian manipulation and promoting fake news, the company's signature social media platform is under fire for being addictive, causing anxiety and depression, and even instigating ...

MXene material could improve sensors that sniff

Sensors that sniff out chemicals in the air to warn us about everything from fires to carbon monoxide to drunk drivers to explosive devices hidden in luggage have improved so much that they can even detect diseases on a person's ...

Efficient use of resources in manufacture of metal components

Additive Manufacturing has established itself in many industrial sectors as a method for making plastic parts. The 3-D printing of metals is on the road to becoming a similar success story. In the newly opened 3-D-Printing ...

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