Researcher: JavaScript Attacks Get Slicker

An Arbor Networks researcher at CanSecWest details JavaScript exploits' increasingly sophisticated means of attack and what tools to use to fight them.

Video game titans get back in stride at E3

The world's leading video game show ended with the industry feeling renewed vigor after years of worry that play on mobile devices was leading to decline.

Zuckerberg builds software butler for his home

Mark Zuckerberg's artificial intelligence-imbued software "butler"—named Jarvis—is now in service, and even plays with his family, the Facebook chief said Monday.

Linux camp has key to Windows 8 boot lockout

(—Microsoft's rocky reputation with the open source community was not exactly obliterated with hardware news surrounding the upcoming launch of the operating system, Windows 8. Systems will come with Secure Boot ...

E3 BUZZ: Old games find new life

Seen and heard on the floor of the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo as it begins its three-day run at the Los Angeles Convention Center:

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