Motorola puts smartwatch on sale, upgrades phones

Motorola kicked off sales of its new smartwatch Friday, in a series of product launches which could be the last before the Google-owned electronics firm is sold to China's Lenovo.

Technology on the catwalk

Summer days bring thoughts of beach picnics, outdoor barbecues and pool parties. Yet it only takes the buzz of one tiny mosquito to dampen the fun.

Smartwear revolution promises healthier lives

A new generation of wearable technology is promising not only to log data about users' health but to predict and avert crises—from drivers falling asleep at the wheel to runners wearing themselves out in a marathon.

Scientists developing electronic skin

Once a topic explored exclusively in science fiction, the notion of restoring sensory feelings to humans and to machines is now approaching reality. Scientists around the world are developing artificial organs such as bionic ...

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