When viruses infect bacteria

(PhysOrg.com) -- Viruses are the most abundant parasites on Earth. Well known viruses, such as the flu virus, attack human hosts, while viruses such as the tobacco mosaic virus infect plant hosts.

Unexpected viral 'fossils' found in vertebrate genomes

Over millions of years, retroviruses, which insert their genetic material into the host genome as part of their replication, have left behind bits of their genetic material in vertebrate genomes. In a recent study, published ...

Flu's Evolution Strategy Strikes Perfect Balance

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists have uncovered the flu's secret formula for effectively evolving within and between host species: balance. The key lies with the flu's unique replication process, which has evolved to produce enough ...

The viruses within -- and what keeps them there (w/ Video)

It is known that viral "squatters" comprise nearly half of our genetic code. These genomic invaders inserted their DNA into our own millions of years ago when they infected our ancestors. But just how we keep them quiet and ...

Learning how to control HIV from African genomes

A study on almost four thousand people of African descent has identified a gene that acts as natural defense against HIV by limiting its replication in certain white blood cells. An international effort co-led by EPFL, Canada's ...

World-first mapping of the Aussie tiger prawn genome

James Cook University researchers have been part of the first-ever successful effort to map the genome of an iconic Australian seafood species—that of the Australian black tiger prawn—which may lead to bigger and more ...

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