Netflix light on flicks as viewers soak up TV shows

Like most fresh faces that arrive in Hollywood, Netflix wanted to be a movie star. But now it's learning what many in Tinseltown have known for decades: Movies are sexy, but the real money is in television.

Redbox's machines take on Netflix's red envelopes

(AP) -- With more subscribers than ever flocking to its DVD-by-mail service, Netflix Inc. is one of the few companies to prosper during the worst U.S. recession in 70 years. Yet Netflix CEO Reed Hastings still has something ...

Review: Water resistance stands out in Sony phone

Think of a leading phone maker. Apple and Samsung might come to mind—maybe even HTC, maker of the well-received One. But you're probably not thinking Sony, a company better known for its TVs, cameras and video game machines.

Adobe shares soar on Apple announcement

Adobe shares soared on Thursday after Apple appeared to open the door for programs converted from Adobe's popular Flash video software to run on the iPhone and other Apple devices.

Amazon launches videogame trade-in store

Amazon launched an online videogame trade-in store on Thursday, granting credit at the online retail giant to customers who send in used games.

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