Related topics: rural areas

Researchers find little evidence to support skills gap claims

A shortage of skilled workers is often the reason many employers say they struggle to find qualified employees to fill vacancies or expand their business. It's become such a concern that public officials in many states are ...

Study reveals the crow's best friend: Humans

A new study from Tel Aviv University (TAU) has examined what happens to birds that are accustomed to living around humans, when their habitat is suddenly emptied of the presence of humans. Among other birds, the researchers ...

How New York City is preparing for climate change

In 2008, New York City's Mayor Bloomberg brought together leading climate scientists, academics and members of the private sector to advise the city on adapting to the impacts of climate change. This group, called the New ...

Is urbanization pushing Earth's evolution to a tipping point?

That humans and the cities we build affect the ecosystem and even drive some evolutionary change in species' traits is already known. The signs are small but striking: Spiders in cities are getting bigger and salmon in rivers ...

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