Scientists find remains of huge ancient herbivore

A giant, plant-eating creature with a beak-like mouth and reptilian features may have roamed the Earth during the late Triassic period more than 200 million years ago, scientists said Thursday.

The oldest plesiosaur was a strong swimmer

Plesiosaurs were especially effective swimmers. These long extinct "paddle saurians" propelled themselves through the oceans by employing "underwater flight"—similar to sea turtles and penguins. Paleontologist from the ...

Diandongosuchus—the strange-faced transitional phytosaur

The Triassic Period was a time of fantastic reptilian experimentation. Among archosaurs, there were the armored aetosaurs, the predatory rauisuchians, an abundance of early dinosaurs and near-dinosaurs, the ancestors of crocodilians, ...

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