Argonne scientist works to contain mercury, protect fish

( -- If Bhoopesh Mishra had to pick a favorite food it would be seafood. Any type of seafood. Anytime. So when as a postdoctoral scholar he had a choice to pick a research topic, his taste buds had their say.

A new model to understand the supertasting phenomenon

Supertasting describes the ability to strongly detect food flavors such as bitter and sweet, and it can affect a person's food preferences. For example, supertasters are often averse to green vegetables because their bitter ...

A role for calcium in taste perception

Calcium may not come to mind when you think of tasty foods, but in a study appearing in the January 8 issue of JBC, Japanese researchers have provided the first demonstration that calcium channels on the tongue are the targets ...

Scientists discover protein receptor for carbonation taste

( -- In 1767, chemist Joseph Priestley stood in his laboratory one day with an idea to help English mariners stay healthy on long ocean voyages. He infused water with carbon dioxide to create an effervescent ...

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