Scientists create custom 3D structures with 'DNA origami'

BOSTON--By combining the art of origami with nanotechnology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers have folded sheets of DNA into multilayered objects with dimensions thousands of times smaller than the thickness of a ...

Light-induced acceleration of intracellular delivery

Cell membranes are barriers that maintain cellular homeostasis, and the intracellular delivery of biologically functional molecules, including peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids to manipulate cellular functions. Conventional ...

Hitting moving RNA drug targets

By accounting for the floppy, fickle nature of RNA, researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of California, Irvine have developed a new way to search for drugs that target this important molecule. Their ...

A hot road to new drugs

The quest for new drugs is generally a lengthy and costly undertaking. German researchers of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet in Munich have now come up with a simpler and more efficient way of going about it. Not only pharmaceutical ...

Chemists create 'assembly-line' for organic molecules

( —Scientists at the University of Bristol have developed a process where reagents are added to a growing carbon chain with extraordinary high fidelity and precise orientation, thereby controlling the conformation ...

Cells use water in nano-rotors to power energy conversion

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt, and Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York have provided the first atomic-level glimpse of the proton-driven motor from a major group of ATP synthases, ...

Learning the language of bacteria

Bacteria are among the simplest organisms in nature, but many of them can still talk to each other, using a chemical "language" that is critical to the process of infection. Sending and receiving chemical signals allows bacteria ...

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