This computer program makes pharma patents airtight

Routes to making life-saving medications and other pharmaceutical compounds are among the most carefully protected trade secrets in global industry. Building on recent work programming computers to identify synthetic pathways ...

Steroid synthesis discovery could rewrite the textbooks

Steroids are essential molecules for life in all complex organisms such as animals and plants. Researchers from the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, the University of Technology Sydney Climate Change Cluster and ...

Scientists a step closer to developing renewable propane

Researchers at The University of Manchester have made a significant breakthrough in the development of synthetic pathways that will enable renewable biosynthesis of the gas propane. This research is part of a programme of ...

Less toxic metabolites, more chemical product

The first dynamic regulatory system that prevents the build-up of toxic metabolites in engineered microbes has been reported by a team of researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI). ...

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