Higgs10: Inventing the future of Higgs research

In 1975, three CERN theorists, John Ellis, Mary K. Gaillard and Dimitri Nanopoulos, undertook the first comprehensive study of the collider phenomenology of the Higgs boson. Almost 40 years later, it was discovered at the ...

Breaking supersymmetry

The remarkable discoveries and theories of physicists since the 1930s have shown that all matter in the universe is made from a small number of basic building blocks called fundamental particles. However, this isn't the complete ...

CERN latest data shows no sign of supersymmetry – yet

Physicists at Liverpool played a significant role in the development of the VErtex LOcator (VELO), a precision silicon detector, at the core of LHCb. The VELO detector consists of 42 separate modules (shown here), which were ...

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