Research and tools to engage with statistics 'beyond GDP'

The WEB-COSI (Web COmmunities for Statistics for Social Innovation) project was launched in January 2014 with the aim of improving people's engagement with statistics 'beyond Gross Domestic Product (GDP)'. At the project's ...

Two reports on social innovation trends and possible improvements

The European social model has been central to the EU vision for years, but enhancing it is a never-ending process. To stay on top of the class, the EU needs a constant flow of new ideas, strategies and concepts. This is called ...

Nurturing social innovation to reduce food waste

Innovation for more sustainable food systems is not just about improving food technology and communication activities. Social innovation also has a powerful role to play, according to Sophie Easteal of the FP7-funded FUSIONS ...

ASU researcher explores responsible innovation

An engineer works in the lab on a promising research project. He follows all the rules, works with the materials available to him and produces quality work. He never lies, cheats or steals. His research eventually results ...

Hunting the spark of creativity

In his 1937 book, "Think and Grow Rich," author Napoleon Hill identified 13 steps to success, one of which was the power of the mastermind. "No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible, intangible ...

Designing the classroom of the future

The integration of ICT into every day teaching can have a positive impact on student knowledge and understanding, and can help teachers deliver stimulating and motivating classes.

No holes in Swiss online networking theory

Often, it's not what you know, but who you know when it comes to business and research success and that still applies even in the age of online social networking, according to results to be published in the International ...

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