Insider Q&A: Bank of America's Moore on mobile banking

Banking customers are on the move, and the big national banks are scrambling to keep up. They are working to update their technology and offerings in hopes of nabbing increasingly mobile customers.

US a laggard in adopting more secure credit cards

The massive data breach at Target last week has again highlighted how the United States remains a relatively insecure backwater when it comes to credit-card technology.

Safer swiping while voting and globetrotting

Since 2007, every new U.S. passport has been outfitted with a computer chip. Embedded in the back cover of the passport, the "e-passport" contains biometric data, electronic fingerprints and pictures of the holder, and a ...

Epson develops new microcontroller to maximize e-paper performance

Seiko Epson today announced that it has recently developed and begun shipping samples of the S1C17F57, a new 16-bit microcontroller with a built-in driver optimized for small- and medium-sized segmented electronic paper displays ...

Using RFID for fiber composites

Antennas that are capable of transmitting radio waves turn components into intelligent objects. Researchers have now found a way to embed these antennas in fiber composites. As a result, the technology also works with carbon ...

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