Not a car or bicycle, but a blend—an ELF vehicle

A Massachusetts man is taking his car-bicycle blend "Organic Transit Vehicle"—also known as an ELF bike—on a 1,200-mile trip from North Carolina to Massachusetts this summer, turning heads as the unusual-looking green ...

Introducing the Brabus High Voltage Car

( -- The Ultimate High Voltage Concept electric car has been unveiled by Brabus at the Frankfurt Motor show in Germany. The sporty little car is a new model incorporating the Brabus Smart ED (Electric Drive) concept.

The car of the future, today

Cars that park themselves, radar-guided safety sensors and infotainment systems with web access; automakers are competing for customers who now expect constant innovation.

Automobile plants make more with less

Competition is fierce in the automobile industry. Worldwide overcapacity has created price pressures that are particularly challenging for manufacturers that are already having a tough time managing their overall productivity ...

Students design cars the get 1000 MPG+

( -- When you think about the design team for an ultra-fuel efficient vehicle, on that can get more than one thousand miles per gallon of gas; you probably picture a professional design lab outfitted with the ...

Ford, Microsoft to work on electric-car charging

(AP) -- Ford Motor Co. and Microsoft Corp. have signed a deal to work together on a computerized link between houses, electric cars and utility companies to help manage energy use.

Smart Grid can help with prime-time charging of EVs

Norway leads the world in new car sales of electric vehicles, but how will charging all those EVs affect the Norwegian energy supply? Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology are helping to develop ...

An alternative to carbon taxes

Climate policy is most effective when it helps people use alternative energy sources, rather than when it makes fossil energy more expensive, argue Anthony Patt and Johan Lilliestam.

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