Related topics: sea ice

NASA flights gauge summer sea ice melt in the Arctic

Earlier this year Arctic sea ice sank to a record low wintertime extent for the third straight year. Now NASA is flying a set of instruments north of Greenland to observe the impact of the melt season on the Arctic's oldest ...

Modelling the future behaviour of oceans and atmosphere

Over the past century, the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, sea ice extent has reduced and greenhouse gases have increased. How future changes will evolve and how humankind can protect itself from possible calamities depends ...

Starving seabirds on Alaska coast show climate change peril

Dead and dying seabirds collected on the coasts of the northern Bering and southern Chukchi seas over the past six years reveal how the Arctic's fast-changing climate is threatening the ecosystems and people who live there, ...

Salt concentrations in ice cores could unveil DO events' recipe

It is one thing to know that Earth has already faced abrupt climate changes—also known as Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) events—in the past. But finding out the reasons for these dramatic and rather short term changes is another ...

Sea ice at poles hit record low for January

The amount of sea ice at the Earth's poles fell to a record low for January, while the planet's temperatures last month were the third highest in modern times, US government scientists said Thursday.

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