Identifying enzymes to explode superbugs

With the worrying rise of antibiotic-resistant superbugs like MRSA, scientists from a wide range of disciplines are teaming up to identify alternative therapies to keep them at bay.

Hope for malaria may be inside African mosquitoes

In the realm of human suffering, few diseases afflict more widespread misery than malaria, which strikes hundreds of millions of people every year and claims about a million lives -- mostly children living in sub-Saharan ...

Health diagnosis made simpler

Arizona State University researchers have demonstrated a way to dramatically simplify testing patients for infectious diseases and unhealthy protein levels.

Graphene-DNA biosensor selective, simple to create

( -- Graphene and DNA can combine to create a stable and accurate biosensor, reports a study published in the nanotechnology journal Small. The tiny biosensor might eventually help doctors and researchers better ...

Gene Testing In the Doctors Office

( -- A portable instrument manufactured by Nanosphere Inc. and recently approved by the FDA, can detect genetic variations in blood that alter the effectiveness of some drugs.

Toward a long-sought saliva test for autism

Researchers in Italy are reporting discovery of abnormal proteins in the saliva of autism patients that could eventually provide a clue for the molecular basis of this severe developmental disorder and could be used as a ...

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