Taking the 'random' out of a random laser

(Phys.org) —Random Lasers are tiny structures emitting light irregularly into different directions. Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology have now shown that these exotic light sources can be accurately controlled.

New laser technology brings perfect focus to medical advances

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at the University of St Andrews' School of Physics and Astronomy have developed a new laser imaging technique that overcomes visual distortions and promises advances in deep tissue imaging and ...

First random laser made of paper-based ceramics

Working with physicists from the University of Rome, a team led by Professor Cordt Zollfrank from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) built the first controllable random laser based on cellulose paper in Straubing. The ...

Harnessing randomness to improve lasers

Randomly arranged items usually have poor optical properties. The rough—or random—surface of a frosted-glass window, for example, obscures the view of an object. The optical industry therefore expends considerable effort ...

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