At 60, NASA shoots for revival of moon glory days

Sixty years ago, spurred by competition with the Soviet Union, the United States created NASA, launching a journey that would take Americans to the moon within a decade.

Electric car revs to world record in Switzerland

A racing car designed and built by students in Switzerland on Monday set a world record for acceleration in electric vehicles, their universities said Monday.

Buzz Aldrin says US must colonize Mars

Buzz Aldrin, the American astronaut who was the second man to walk on the Moon, said Wednesday that the United States must lead the way toward building a permanent settlement on Mars.

NSF teams with NASCAR to reveal 'The Science of Speed'

Science educators have a new way to engage science students in grades 8-12; they can turn to NASCAR. A new online series of videos called "The Science of Speed"--announced today at the Texas Motor Speedway (TMS) in Fort Worth--teaches ...

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