Related topics: psychological science · brain · children · memory · adolescents

Tinder is a waste of time for most people

Dating apps won't help you much if your goal is to have more relationships. You would probably succeed just as well—or poorly—without it.

Upper class people more likely to cheat: study

The upper class has a higher propensity for unethical behavior, being more likely to believe – as did Gordon Gekko in the movie "Wall Street" – that "greed is good," according to a new study from the University ...

Peter Gabriel wants to talk with animals online

Peter Gabriel joined big thinkers and one of the Internet's founding fathers Friday in launching an "Interspecies Internet" for animals to communicate with us and each other.

Math ability is inborn

We accept that some people are born with a talent for music or art or athletics. But what about mathematics? Do some of us just arrive in the world with better math skills than others?

Under pressure: How young people cope with anxiety

Dr. Valerie Sotardi from the University of Canterbury (UC)'s College of Education, Health & Human Development researches assessment-related anxiety in first-year students. The educational psychologist recently developed online ...

The dark side of personality

Social life entails countless situations in which people have to trust each other. From mundane family matters to profane issues such as trade negotiations among world leaders in a conflicted globalized world—all require ...

Death tolls spur pro-war stance, study finds

Within hours this summer, 30 American troops died in a strike in Afghanistan and millions of American investors watched the Dow Jones Average shed an astonishing 634 points in one day.

Facebook, Yahoo to test 'six degrees of separation'

Yahoo Inc. and Facebook Inc. are joining forces to test an iconic 1960s-era social experiment that showed there are just six degrees of separation between most people on the planet.

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"Psychologist" is an academic, occupational or professional title describing individuals who are either:

There are many different types of psychologists, as is reflected by the 56 different divisions of the American Psychological Association (the APA). Psychologists are generally described as being either "applied" or "research" oriented. This major division is also described as the difference between scientists and practitioners or scholars and professionals. The training models endorsed by the APA require that practitioners be trained as both scholars and professionals and to possess advanced degrees.

Most typically, people encounter psychologists and think of the discipline as involving the work of clinical or counseling psychologists, professionals who are concerned with helping people live healthy and productive lives - professionals who help people solve problems of living or resolve mental health problems. Although clinical psychology is a commonly identified professional role, it remains a subset of the field of psychology. Scholars and academicians (conducting research and teaching in universities) constitute a substantial and foundational position in the definition of a "psychologist."

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