Related topics: prostate cancer

Increased sensitivity for better detection

A group of European scientists from Imperial College London in the United Kingdom and the University of Vigo in Spain has made a technological breakthrough with its development of an ultra-sensitive test with the capacity ...

Team finds new target for treatment of advanced prostate cancer

( -- In its early stages, prostate cancer requires androgens (hormones that promote the development and maintenance of male sex characteristics) for growth, and current first-line therapies target the receptor ...

Selenium compounds boost immune system to fight against cancer

The immune system is designed to remove things not normally found in the body. Cells undergoing change, e.g. precursors of cancer cells, are therefore normally recognised and removed by the immune system. Unfortunately, the ...

A metabolic pathway that feeds liver cancer

A little-studied gene may explain how some liver cancer cells obtain the nutrition they need to proliferate, according to new research from the University of Maryland. The results of this research will be published as an ...

Searching for better ways to treat prostate disorders

Innovative new technology has been used to identify and profile a novel combination of proteins that may improve treatment for prostate disorders. The study will be published in the April 13th 2012 edition of the Journal ...

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