Predicting politics: Professors model prediction markets

Political prediction markets -- in which participants buy and sell "contracts" based on who they think will win an election -- accurately predicted Barack Obama's 2008 victory. Now Northwestern University researchers have ...

2008 Wenchuan earthquake: a landmark in China's history

The devastating 2008 Wenchuan earthquake marks a defining moment for China's earthquake science program. The focus of a special November issue of the prestigious Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA), the ...

Fermions exhibit collective behavior in unexpected situations

Some people like company. Others prefer to be alone. The same holds true for the particles that constitute the matter around us: Some, called bosons, like to act in unison with others. Others, called fermions, have a mind ...

Big data used to predict the future

Technology is moving in giant leaps and bounds, and with it, the information with which society operates daily. Nevertheless, the volume of data needs to be organized, analyzed and correlated to predict certain patterns. ...

Developing an AI solution to 50-year-old protein challenge

In a major scientific advance, the latest version of DeepMind's AI system AlphaFold has been recognized as a solution to the 50-year-old grand challenge of protein structure prediction, often referred to as the 'protein folding ...

Testing the reproducibility of social science research

Today, in Nature Human Behavior, a collaborative team of five laboratories published the results of 21 high-powered replications of social science experiments originally published in Science and Nature, two of the most prestigious ...

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