The Growing Market for 'War Porn' -- What's Going On?

( -- "War porn" -- videos viewed for entertainment that feature gruesome footage of dead American soldiers or the killing of soldiers and civilians in the Middle East wars -- are growing in numbers online, in ...

Reddit takes back reins from users at a risk

Reddit became one of the most visited websites in the world on the backs of users devoted to the online bulletin board where people could post just about anything.

Texas appeals court dismisses revenge porn law

A Texas appeals court says a state law that punishes those who post intimate images from previous or current relationships online without consent is unconstitutional.

Google users must now be more explicit to find porn

US Google users on the prowl for erotic images needed to be more explicit on Thursday after the search engine was tuned to avoid delivering porn in results for "ambiguous" queries such as "boobs."

India drops ban on online porn after backlash

India has reversed a controversial order banning hundreds of porn websites, a government official said Wednesday, after accusations of heavy-handed censorship in the world's largest democracy.

NYC to pull plug on sidewalk internet after porn complaints

The web-browsing feature of New York City's sidewalk Wi-Fi kiosks will be disabled after critics complained that homeless people were monopolizing them and using them to watch porn, officials said Wednesday.

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