Capturing the surprising flexibility of crystal surfaces

Images taken using an atomic force microscope have allowed researchers to observe, for the first time, the flexible and dynamic changes that occur on the surfaces of 'porous coordination polymer' crystals when guest molecules ...

A record-long polymer DNA negative

A fragment of a single strand of DNA, built of the nucleobases cytosine and guanine, can be imprinted in a polymer—this has been shown by chemists from Warsaw, Denton and Milan. The resulting artificial negative, with a ...

Controlling the crystal size of organic semiconductors

Recently, solution-processable organic semiconductors are being highlighted for their potential application in printed electronics, becoming a feasible technique to fabricate large-area flexible thin film at a low cost. The ...

New adhesive for better recycling

Adhesives to join components are indispensable in industry, but reliable joining is no longer sufficient. The recycling economy pushed by the EU requires proper disassembly of high-tech products, such as mobiles, into their ...

Designer polymers on demand

When jewelers create a necklace, they control the order and number of each bead or jewel they use to form a desired pattern. It's been challenging for scientists to do the same thing when designing polymers—until now. In ...

A tango with tangled polymers

While statisticians are driven by real-world problems, U of S mathematics professor Chris Soteros is motivated by the more esoteric behaviour of long-chain molecules, such as polymers and DNA, and the mathematical problems ...

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