The global burden of pathogens and pests on food crops

Crop pathogens and pests reduce the yield of agricultural production, causing substantial economic losses and reducing food security. Yet, their global burden and their variation over time and among different agroecosystems ...

Study pinpoints how Salmonella sneaks into plant roots

In recent years, contamination of salad vegetables by E. coli and salmonella bacteria—the most common causes of food poisoning—have led to large-scale recalls. Although most salmonella outbreaks are linked to contamination ...

Plants as efficient antifungal factories

Researchers report that they can efficiently produce antifungal proteins in plants based on a modified tobacco mosaic virus. The results of this research, which could have a major impact in the agri-food industry, have been ...

A closer look at antibiotic resistant genes in the air

While the issue of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in water has long been studied, relatively little attention has been paid to airborne ARGs, despite its potential to pose a significant threat to public health. A team ...

Newly discovered enzyme is 'firing pin' for plant immunity

Just like humans, plants have an immune system that helps them fight off infections. Plant immunity has some important differences: they don't make antibodies and can't fight off the same bug more quickly months or years ...

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