Spot the chemical difference

( -- Scientists at Kew have devised a method to distinguish similar flavonoids when chemically profiling plant extracts.

New study sheds light on genetics of rice metabolism

A large-scale study analyzing metabolic compounds in rice grains conducted by researchers at the RIKEN Plant Science Center (PSC) and their collaborators has identified 131 rice metabolites and clarified the genetic and environmental ...

Herbivorous fish like eating meat

The grass carp, thought to be a strict vegetarian, seems to have a preference for amphipoda. NWO researcher Liesbeth Bakker made this discovery during her research into the food preferences of fish. The discovery turns our ...

Ethanol co-product boosts nutrition in Asian flatbread

( -- South Dakota State University research shows a traditional Asian flatbread called chapathi, or chapati, gets a big boost in protein and fiber when fortified with food-grade distillers grains.

Breeding soybeans for improved feed

Modifying soybean seed to increase phosphorus content can improve animal nutrition and reduce feed costs and nutrient pollution. However, further research is needed to commercialize this valuable technology. Knowledge of ...

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