Assume that animals have feelings too, say cognitive biologists

We should assume that animals can have feelings too. From an ethical point of view this should inform our dealings with animals, researchers from Leiden University and Utrecht University argue in an opinion article that was ...

Combating hunger with artificial intelligence

In order to improve world food conditions, a team around computer science professor Kristian Kersting was inspired by the technology behind Google News.

Novel approach to curing crop diseases tested

( -- Sugar may be a treat for humans, but for aphids it can be life threatening. A $452,000 grant to Cornell and Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI) will fund research exploiting this vulnerability ...

'Non-essential' building block proves vital to a healthy protein diet

A "non-essential" amino acid—so-called because the body can make it from other nutrients—can act as a nutritional cue to guide the body's responses to a low-protein diet, a RIKEN-led team has found in a study on fruit ...

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