Zebra mussels hang on while quagga mussels take over

The zebra mussels that have wreaked ecological havoc on the Great Lakes are harder to find these days — not because they are dying off, but because they are being replaced by a cousin, the quagga mussel. But zebra mussels ...

Why can't a woman play tennis like a man?

Changing court conditions to address differences in men's and women's play might make women's tennis matches more competitive, according to a new study by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and other Israeli researchers.

A vertebrate family reunion

By demonstrating the close 'relatedness' of two primitive jawless fish, scientists begin to assemble a more accurate depiction of the early history of vertebrate evolution.

Study tracks genomic changes that reinforce darter speciation

When they share habitat, orangethroat and rainbow darters tend to avoid one another, even though they are closely related and can produce "hybrid" offspring. The males compete with males of their own species and will almost ...

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