Organic farming methods favors pollinators

Pollinating insects are endangered globally, with a particularly steep decline over the last 40 years. An extensive 3-year study from Lund University in Sweden has found that organic farming methods can contribute to halting ...

VTT develops piglet vaccination to reduce antibiotics use

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a vaccine, diluted into drinking water, to treat diarrhoea on piglets being weaned. The vaccine reduces the global resistance problem caused by excessive antibiotic use.

In the US, small organic milk producers face turmoil

With supply exceeding demand, large farms taking center stage and plant-based alternatives luring consumers away, times are hard for small organic milk producers in the United States.

Squash variety once thought extinct thrives at organic farm

All summer long, at Dartmouth's organic farm, Poli Sierra-Long '19 has been nurturing what she thinks of as a miracle of nature. Happen upon her watering or weeding her huge, rainbow-colored squash nestled in a robust web ...

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