Make our soil great again

Most of us don't think much about soil, let alone its health. But as Earth Day approaches, it's time to recommend some skin care for Mother Nature. Restoring soil fertility is one of humanity's best options for making progress ...

Cover crop prevents weeds, protects soil

Organic farmers have to make hard choices between protecting soil from erosion and controlling weeds. For example, large-scale organic farming relies heavily on tillage. Tilling breaks up the soil to kill weeds and prepare ...

Block that pollen

Research at North Carolina State University has identified "pollen blockers" in corn that can prevent organic corn from being pollinated by genetically modified (GM) plants. The findings could aid more rapid and efficient ...

Collaboration yields new organic sweet corn variety

When the time comes for Wisconsin's organic farmers to decide which crops to plant next year, they'll have a tasty new variety of sweet corn—with a particularly sweet name—among their choices.

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