Cities, states face off on municipal broadband

Wilson, N.C., determined nearly a decade ago that high-speed Internet access would be essential to the community's social and economic health in the 21st century, just as electricity, water and sewers were in the previous ...

Group sues UK eavesdropping agency over hacking

A rights group is suing Britain's GCHQ eavesdropping agency over cyberattacks revealed by former intelligence worker Edward Snowden, saying it's the first time the agency has been sued over hacking.

Book pulls appplications from abstract mathematics

Mathematics can explain how light waves propagate in a fiber optic cable or that a linear flow of air over a plane's wings gives passengers a smooth ride, while nonlinear flow causes turbulence.

Tiny laser gives big boost to high speed data transmission

( —High-speed communication just got a turbo boost, thanks to a new laser technology developed at the University of Illinois that transmits error-free data over fiber optic networks at a blazing fast 40 gigabits ...

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