The Gollum snakehead gets its own fish family

As part of an international team, Senckenberg scientist Ralf Britz described a new bony fish family. These fishes, which live in subterranean, water-bearing rock formations, were only recently discovered in Southern India. ...

Which factors control the height of mountains?

Which forces and mechanisms determine the height of mountains? A group of researchers from Münster and Potsdam has now found a surprising answer: It is not erosion and weathering of rocks that determine the upper limit of ...

Hidden symmetry found in chemical kinetic equations

Rice University researchers have discovered a hidden symmetry in the chemical kinetic equations scientists have long used to model and study many of the chemical processes essential for life.

Why are mountains so high?

Over millions of years, Earth's summits and valleys have moved and shifted, resulting in the dramatic landscapes of peaks and shadows we know today. Mountains often form when pressure under Earth's surface pushes upward, ...

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