Related topics: smartphone

Toshiba to shut three Japan semiconductor plants

Electronics and manufacturing giant Toshiba said Wednesday it is to shut three semiconductor factories in Japan as part of a reorganisation of its business, as it grapples with falling profits.

Facebook, HTC building Android smartphone: report

Facebook has allied with Taiwan's HTC to build a customized smartphone powered by Google's Android mobile operating system, according to technology blog All Things Digital.

Industry says Africa fastest growing mobile market

(AP) -- Sure, 24-year-old Gertrude Kitongo cherishes a cell phone as a link to family and friends, from her grandmother in a Ugandan village to former schoolmates in Zimbabwe.

China Mobile 1H profit rises to $9.6 billion

(AP) -- China Mobile Ltd., the world's biggest phone company by subscribers, said Thursday its first-half profit rose 6.3 percent as sales were boosted by greater usage of mobile Internet devices.

German managers 'keep phones in biscuit tins'

A German chemicals company said on Monday its managers have begun keeping their mobile phones in biscuit tins during meetings in order to guard against industrial espionage.

While consoles slug it out, mobiles games zip in

The big three game console makers brought their latest kick-ass wares to the industry's annual get-together this week, but some question their future amid an explosion of super-nimble mobile gaming.

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