Using biosensors to deliver personalized doses of antibiotics

A team of eight EPFL students has come up with a portable biosensor that can measure the amount of vancomycin in a patient's blood stream, enabling doctors to better control the dosage and reduce harmful side effects. Their ...

Biodegradable microsensors for food monitoring

A new generation of microsensors could provide the vital link between food products and the Internet of Things. ETH researchers have developed an ultra-thin temperature sensor that is both biocompatible and biodegradable.

Novel sensors to detect molecules for medicine and agrifood

(—Agribusiness and medicine are constantly seeking more efficient methods for detecting biomolecules. To meet this need, a novel concept of miniaturized sensors has been developed by researchers from LAAS-CNRS ...

First precise MEMS output measurement technique unveiled

The commercial application of MEMS, or micro-electro-mechanical systems, will receive a major boost today following the presentation of a brand new way to accurately measure the power requirements and outputs of all existing ...

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