Bright water proposal to cut global warming

( -- A Harvard physicist has proposed the Earth could be cooled by pumping vast numbers of tiny bubbles into the sea to lower ocean temperatures and increase the water’s reflectivity. The same strategy could ...

Tiny bubbles boost alternative cancer therapy efficiency

Scientists from Skoltech, MIPT, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, and a number of other research centers have shown microbubbles made of a protein called albumin to be effective vehicles for the delivery of photodynamic ...

Graphene microbubbles make perfect lenses

Tiny bubbles can solve large problems. Microbubbles—around 1-50 micrometers in diameter—have widespread applications. They're used for drug delivery, membrane cleaning, biofilm control, and water treatment. They've been ...

University of Utah microbubbles clean dirty soil in China

Microbubbles are much bigger than they sound. If all goes as planned during a demonstration project in eastern China, microbubble technology developed at the University of Utah has the potential to boost a wide range of environmental ...

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