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Worsening air pollution reducing lifespans in Indonesia

Indonesia's air quality has deteriorated from among the cleanest in the world to one of the most polluted over the past two decades, shaving five years from life expectancy in some regions, researchers say.

Origami inspires new tech for tissue regeneration

Origami—the Japanese art of folding paper into shapes and figures—dates back to the sixth century. At UMass Lowell, it is inspiring researchers as they develop a 21st century solution to the shortage of tissue and organ ...

Versatile sensor against tumor initiating cells

Most cancer deaths are caused by recurrent or metastatic tumors. Conventional therapies target rapidly dividing tumor cells, but are unable to eradicate the highly chemoresistant tumor initiating cells (TICs), ultimately ...

Cell cultures go for the gold

A wide variety of research relies on growing cells in culture on Earth, but handling these cells is challenging. With better techniques, scientists hope to reduce loss of cells from culture media, create cultures in specific ...

Deadly nanoparcel for cancer cells

Most tumors contain regions of low oxygen concentration where cancer therapies based on the action of reactive oxygen species are ineffective. Now, American scientists have developed a hybrid nanomaterial that releases a ...

Nine burning questions about CRISPR genome editing answered

In recent years, science and the media have been buzzing with the term CRISPR. From speculation around reviving the woolly mammoth to promises of distant cures for cancer, the unproven potential for this genome editing tool ...

How nanotechnology could detect and treat cancer

A growing field called nanotechnology is allowing researchers to manipulate molecules and structures much smaller than a single cell to enhance our ability to see, monitor and destroy cancer cells in the body.

A cure for medical researchers' big data headache

As medical research has become more specialized, the scientific community's understanding of the human body has increased, resulting in enhanced treatments, new drugs, and better health outcomes.

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