U. of Missouri hopes to teach some iJournalism

(AP) -- Gadgets such as the Apple iPhone and the iPod Touch are mainstays on college campuses - largely for the devices' ability to help students escape the pressures of the classroom.

Online students engage more in lectures than physical attendees

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary to innovate flexible teaching methods. As a result, many instructors have learned to deliver their agendas and instruction via Zoom and Teams. In autumn of 2020, students returned ...

Video: The context of fossil hominid discoveries in Africa

The fossil record of human ancestors in Africa presents a significant proportion of our evidence for human evolution. Discovered primarily around the Great Lakes of East Africa, the Riverine deposits of the Middle Awash and ...

One class in all languages

Advances in communication technology have had a major impact in all sorts of industries, but perhaps none bigger than in education. Now, anyone from around the world can listen live to a Nobel Prize laureate lecture or earn ...

Does it matter where students sit in lecture halls?

Lectures are a staple of higher education, and understanding how students interact and learn within the lecture theatre environment is central to successful learning. In a new study published in FEBS Open Bio, researchers ...

Knock, knock! "Who's there?"

Insect communication, silent and often deadly, features prominently among the remarkable experiments that are performed live during the three lectures that explore "The Language of Life" for this year's Royal Institution ...

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