Use a laser, save a tree

( -- Laser un-printers that can remove toner from scrap paper so that it can be used again may be coming to an office near you in the future, results from a new Cambridge study show.

Researchers find cells move in mysterious ways (w/ Video)

Our cells are more like us than we may think. They're sensitive to their environment, poking and prodding deliberately at their surroundings with hand-like feelers and chemical signals as they decide whether and where to ...

Water makes tree branches droop at night

A new study using a time-series of terrestrial laser scanning measurements shows that changes in the water status of leaves and branches causes branches to move downward at night, up to 20 cm depending on the tree species. ...

Laser scanning leads to 3-D rendering of Robber's Cave

As bits of Robber's Cave history fade to folklore, the thousands of engravings that crowd its Dakota sandstone walls like graffiti are likewise disintegrating, imperceptibly but inevitably, into miniature dunes at the base ...

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