Related topics: google

Why Netflix wants you to watch an extra screen

Netflix announced last month that it will launch a second screen experience within its app, allowing subscribers to view additional information related to the program they are watching.

Sri Lanka takes stake in Google balloon Internet venture

Sri Lanka's government announced Monday it would take a 25 percent stake in a joint venture with Google designed to deliver a high-speed Internet service powered by balloons and that tests would begin this month.

Singapore's UOB, Temasek to offer $500 mn for Asia start-ups

Singapore's United Overseas Bank (UOB) said Tuesday it will partner with state-linked investment firm Temasek Holdings to provide up to $500 million in venture debt financing to start-ups in China, India and Southeast Asia.

Japanese PM seeks tech innovation in Silicon Valley visit

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans a swing through Silicon Valley on Thursday, speaking with Stanford University experts about innovation, building relationships with tech firms and investors, and—as head of one of ...

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