Study sheds light on photosynthesis in iron-low leaves

Researchers have identified how iron-deficient plants optimize photosynthesis to protect themselves from absorbing too much light, according to a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Autophagy: Balancing zinc and iron in plants

Nutrient imbalances can adversely impact crop health and agricultural productivity. The trace elements zinc and iron are taken up by the same transporters in plants, so zinc deficiency can result in excess uptake of iron. ...

The regulators active during iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is a critical situation for plants, which respond using specific genetic programmes. Biologists from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) and Michigan State University (MSU) used artificial intelligence ...

Team guides plants towards obtaining iron

A team at the University of Cordoba has examined the link between the presence of beneficial organisms in plant roots to their response to iron deficiency.

Researchers explore the effects of climate change on hunger

As the climate changes, where plants grow best is predicted to shift. Crops that once thrived as a staple in one region may no longer be plentiful enough to feed a community that formerly depended on it. Beyond where plants ...

How plants cope with iron deficiency

Iron is an essential nutrient for plants, animals and also for humans. It is needed for a diverse range of metabolic processes, for example, for photosynthesis and for respiration. If a person is lacking iron, this leads ...

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