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Smart 'stickers' let you find things by phone

Jimmy Buchheim is behaving oddly. On the floor of the world's largest cellphone trade show in Barcelona, Spain, he's looking at the screen of his iPod Touch, taking a few steps, and then looking again. Now and then he backtracks ...

Amazon says music catalog open to Apple users

Amazon said Thursday its 22-million song music catalog was now "optimized" for users of Apple devices, making it easier for iPhone owners to circumvent the iTunes store.

Apple suit vs. Google over patent rates dismissed

A federal judge in Madison, Wisconsin, on Monday threw out a suit by Apple Inc. claiming that Google subsidiary Motorola Mobility is seeking unreasonably high license fees for the use of patents on wireless technology.

Android Market downloads top 10 billion: Google

Google said Tuesday that over 10 billion applications have been downloaded from the Android Market, which offers free and paid programs for smartphones and tablet computers running the Internet giant's operating system.

New wristband harnesses Apple gadgets for fitness

Wireless earpiece maker Jawbone is once again blending fashion and technology to help people make healthier choices with a little help from their beloved Apple gadgets.

Apple fixing iPhone 4S battery drain

Apple said it is working to squash software bugs that have evidently been eating away at battery life in the iPhone 4s and other gadgets powered by its latest mobile operating system.

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