Smartphones boost US teens' connections

It's not just your imagination: most American teenagers are online or on their smartphones every day, and many are almost continually connected.

Facebook outlines plans for virtual reality

Facebook and virtual reality, at first glance, might seem like pieces of a puzzle that don't exactly fit in the social network's future.

Italy adopts plans to shift into Internet fast lane

Italy's government adopted a six-billion-euro plan Tuesday to modernise its Internet network and improve access to broadband in hopes of shedding its reputation as one of Europe's online laggards.

Google to offer own cellular network plan

Google will soon be offering cellular network plans in a bid to bridge the gap between the realms of Internet services and mobile device software it dominates.

Putting net neutrality in context

After much litigation, public demonstration and deliberation, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 3 to 2 to adopt open internet rules. While the substantive details of the decision are not yet known, the ...

China tightens rules on Internet use, online comments

China announced Wednesday that users of blogs and chat rooms will be required to register their names with operators and promise in writing to avoid challenging the Communist political system, further tightening control over ...

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