Your internet data is rotting

Many MySpace users were dismayed to discover earlier this year that the social media platform lost 50 million files uploaded between 2003 and 2015.

The cautionary tail of Comet Swift–Tuttle

Comet Swift–Tuttle, formally 109P/Swift–Tuttle, is an enormous, icy comet on a 133 year orbit around the Sun, and the reason for the spectacular annual Perseids meteor showers on Earth.

Internet Archive heads to Canada to be 'safe'

The Internet Archive, which keeps historical records of Web pages, is creating a new backup center in Canada, citing concerns about surveillance following the US presidential election of Donald Trump.

Internet Archive asks for donations after fire

The Internet Archive, known for its "Wayback Machine" which keeps websites even after they are shut down, is asking for donations after a fire damaged its scanning center.

Trump complains about Twitter removing his followers

US President Donald Trump complained Friday that Twitter is removing some of his followers and has made it harder to join, an apparent critique of the social network's efforts to weed out fake and abusive accounts.

Researchers work to take the errors out of the cloud

Cloud computing, which taps the resources of a network of remote computers, offers tremendous potential for storing and processing vast amounts of data quickly and cheaply. The catch: As cloud computing applications become ...

Japanese imperial army maps to go online

Old Asia-Pacific maps from Japanese Imperial Army archives are going online for modern use, such as studying changes in forest cover or the growth of cities, a Japanese researcher said Friday.

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