Study says nocturnal ants have evolved night vision

( -- Researchers studying the eyes of different Australian bull ants have found the first evidence of adaptation of visual structures within a single species to distinct light intensities.

Optimized application of high intensity focused ultrasound

The field of nonlinear acoustics is currently receiving a lot of attention, thanks to applications focused on the improvement of ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic welding, sonochemistry, or thermotherapy. Lithotripsy – the ...

'Optical rocket' created with intense laser light

In a recent experiment at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, plasma electrons in the paths of intense laser light pulses were almost instantly accelerated close to the speed of light.

Roasting Does More than Enhance Flavor in Peanuts

( -- Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have shown that increasing roast color intensity steadily ramps up the antioxidant capacities of peanuts, peanut flour and peanut skins.

Moon's molten, churning core likely once generated a dynamo

When the Apollo astronauts returned to Earth, they brought with them some souvenirs: rocks, pebbles, and dust from the moon's surface. These lunar samples have since been analyzed for clues to the moon's past. One outstanding ...

Li-Fi: Edinburgh prof seeds LEDs for communication

(—"We believe wireless communications should be as reliable as lighting." That is a company motto of startup PureVLC (Visible Light Communication), which aims to connect the two—communications and light. They ...

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