Researchers document a quantum spin wave for light

Researchers at Purdue University have created a quantum spin wave for light. This can be a carrier of information for future nanotechnologies but with a unique twist: they only flow in one direction.

Why green bonds could be key to fighting climate change

Finance has a role to play in confronting climate change, and green bonds could be one of the tools to do it. The idea behind green bonds is not complicated, but the application of this simple financial mechanism could be ...

Building trust in artificial intelligence

From telecommunications to road traffic, from healthcare to the workplace—digital technology is now an intrinsic part of almost every area of life. Yet how can we ensure that developments in this field, especially those ...

Researchers teleport information within a diamond

Researchers from the Yokohama National University have teleported quantum information securely within the confines of a diamond. The study has big implications for quantum information technology—the future of sharing and ...

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